我们相信每一位交易者背后都有一个不平凡的故事,追求不平凡的人生。嘉盛集团为您准备属于交易者的奥林匹克交易赛,巅峰对决。第一名送您南极探险之旅体验不平凡的经历(或25,000美金现金奖励)*,报名参与,竞逐极地宝座![*]活动报名时间: 即日起至2024年7月28日(北京时间)
[*]交易竞赛时间: 2024年7月29日至2024年8月9日 (北京时间)
[*]活动报名时间: 即日起至2024年7月28日(北京时间)
[*]交易竞赛时间: 2024年7月29日至2024年8月9日 (北京时间)
第2-10名$2,000 返利$2,000
*活动详情请查看条款和条件。 嘉盛集团是通过买/卖差价获得补偿,您的交易成本可能超过奖金。
©2024 FOREX.com保留所有权利
**** Hidden Message ***** 活动条款和条件FOREX.com 嘉盛集团奥林匹克交易大赛活动
以下条款和条件适用于向嘉盛全球市场有限公司 GAIN Global Markets, Inc.
(“FOREX.com”、“我们(we)”、“我们的(our)”、或“我们(us)”)现有账户持有人提供的 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团奥林匹克交易大赛活动(“优惠活动”)并由 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团自行决定。 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团是嘉盛全球市场有限公司 GAIN Global Markets, Inc. 的交易品牌,为 StoneX 集团 (StoneX Group Inc.)的附属公司,地址为 30 Independence Blvd, Suite 300, Warren, NJ 07059, USA。 嘉盛全球市场有限公司 GAIN Global Markets, Inc. 受开曼群岛金融管理局监管(许可证号:25033)。
您同意参加 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团奥林匹克交易大赛活动(“优惠活动”),您将受这些条款和条件(“优惠条款”)以及适用于您的帐户(“我们的条款”)的FOREX.com客户协议(包括任何补充条款)的约束。除非优惠条款中另有规定,否则这些优惠条款中使用的大写条款和表述应与我们的条款具有相同的含义。如有任何争议, FOREX.com 嘉盛集团的解释和决定将是最终的,对所有参与者具有约束力。
1. 资格和优惠期
1.1 优惠活动仅适用于成功开立并注资 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团交易账户的账户持有人,并须在 2024 年 7 月 28 日或之前根据要求完成活动报名。
1.2 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团员工(或 StoneX 集团公司内的任何其他公司,由 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团全权酌情决定)及其直系亲属没有资格参与优惠活动。此外,由 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团确定直接参与组织和举办优惠活动的任何合作伙伴和代理机构(包括但不限于任何外部审计员和广告代理机构)的员工,则无资格参与优惠活动。此优惠活动也不向与 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团有直接竞争的任何其他公司的员工开放。
1.3 优惠活动仅限每人一个账户, 不允许多次参与。以最后报名的账户为准。来自同一家庭的多个账户可能会被禁止参加优惠活动。
1.4 联名账户或具有有效有限授权书的账户将无资格参加优惠活动。
1.5 优惠活动期为 2024 年 7 月 29 日至 2024 年 8 月 9 日。
1.6 凡符合上述条件者,均视为“合格客户”。“合格客户” 应仔细阅读这些优惠活动条款并重新熟悉我们的条款。
1.7 优惠活动受公平使用政策的约束,因此如果 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团有合理理由相信存在来自同一来源的合作、串通或组织的交易,或者如果它有合理理由相信优惠活动被以任何方式滥用,FOREX.com 嘉盛集团有权拒绝优惠活动。
2. 交易要求和活动详情
2.1 “合格客户” 必须在 2024 年 7 月 29 日(北京时间)市场开盘时在参与优惠活动的交易账户中拥有账户净值为一千(1,000) 美元或以上的。
2.2 “合格客户”必须在优惠期间进行一笔任意规模的交易。
2.3 获胜者将根据优惠期间报名的交易账户的总权益回报率(“交易表现”)来确定。 “交易表现” 将于每日北京时间中午 12:00 使用以下公式来计算:
“交易表现” = (当前账户净值- 初始账户净值 + 提款 - 存款)/ (初始账户净值 + 存款)
当前账户净值:“合格客户” 在每个计算间隔的账户净值
初始账户净值:“合格客户” 在参加优惠活动时最初账户净值
存款:优惠期间存入报名的交易账户的总资金,包括任何利息、现金奖励、返利或从“合格客户”同名其他 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团账户的转账,但不包括融资/隔夜利息
FOREX.com 嘉盛集团账户的内部转账,但不包括任何 FOREX.com 费用或融资
2.4 “交易表现” 最佳的前十位“合格客户” 将获得以下奖品之一:
第一名由 Jing Yan Aviation MICE (Shanghai) Co., Ltd (the “Travel Agency”) 提供的为期 17 天的南极探险之旅,适用
于一位旅行者。行程为 2025
年 1 月 26 日至 2 月 11 日$25,000
第二名至第十名$2,000 返利$2,000
2.5 如果两个 (2) 个或以上“合格客户” 之间出现平局,则奖品的现金美元价值将在他们之间平分。
2.6 “交易表现” 结果将于 2024 年 7 月 30 日至 2024 年 8 月 12 日每日在 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团网站上公布。
2.7 每位获胜者只能获得一份奖品。获胜者将于 2024 年 8 月 16 日或之前通过电子
邮件收到通知。为了获得奖品,获胜者必须在收到通知电子邮件后的五 (5) 个日历日内回复通知电子邮件,并按通知电子邮件中的要求提供信息。任何获胜者如果在收到电子邮件通知后五 (5) 个日历日内未提供所要求的信息,则将丧失奖品。第一名获胜者可在奖品和奖品现金价值之间选其一。
2.8 选择获得南极探险之旅的第一名获胜者须了解,FOREX.com 不参与也不会负责安排旅行、预订交通或住宿,或获取签证和其他旅行相关文件。所有这些事项均由获胜者和旅行社负责。
2.9 选择南极探险之旅而非奖品现金价值的第一名获胜者同意赔偿并免去 FOREX.com 与南极探险之旅有关或以任何方式与之相关的任何损失、费用、开支或伤害。
2.10 第一名获胜者奖品中包含的旅行费用和住宿由旅行社全权决定,可能包括机 票、渡轮和其他交通费用、酒店和餐饮费用、景点门票、旅行意外保险和/或当地工作人员费用。第一名获胜者奖品中未包含的费用和住宿可能包括个人医疗费用、行李费、电话或其他通讯费用、个人交通等。
2.11 第一名获胜者同意并理解他/她可能需要签证或其他旅行证件才能参加南极探险之旅。获得此类文件将由获胜者全权负责。如果获胜者未能获得必要的旅行证件,则无法将奖品兑换成现金价值。
2.12 南极探险之旅日期由旅行社确定且不可协商。选择南极探险之旅而非奖品现金价值的第一名获胜者,如果无法在旅行社指定的旅行日期内旅行,将无法获得奖品现金价值。
3. 一般概要
3.1 此优惠活动仅可用于个人和非商业目的。
3.2 如 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团在任何时候发现”合格客户”实际上没有资格参与优惠活动,FOREX.com 嘉盛集团可自行决定撤销奖品。如任何奖品被没收或撤销,任何人都无权从 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团获得任何付款或补偿。
3.3 如”合格客户”的任何存款被取消或退回, 因资金不足、欺诈或任何其他原因而被银行退回,则”合格客户”将没有资格获得奖品且 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团有权收回并删除在此优惠活动存入账户中的任何奖品。 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团保留自行决定取消任何篡改或试图篡改参与流程、优惠活动运作或违反优惠活动或我们的条款的个人的资格的权利。
3.4 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团不对任何账户持有人或任何其他人承担与优惠活动有关的任何损失、税金或损害,包括但不限于互联网或 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团交易平台的任何错误、技术故障,或任何计算机系统、移动应用程序、可下载软件或设备(包括 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团或”合格客户”的设备)出现任何故障。
3.5 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团对所有与优惠活动相关事项的决定是最终决定,且对所有参与者和任何其他人具有约束力,包括但不限于取消或暂停优惠活动的任何决定。
3.6 如果参与者涉嫌滥用优惠活动,FOREX.com 嘉盛集团保留随时取消、撤销或收回优惠活动的权利。
3.7 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团可随时全权自行决定终止本优惠活动, 或删除、更改、补充、修正、限制、撤销或修改本优惠活动条款中的任何一项或多项,恕不另行通知或指定任何理由,以 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团认为合适的方式,包括但不限于任何客户的资格、”合格客户”的识别依据和方法,以及与优惠活动和优惠活动期有关的任何日期。对这些优惠活动条款的修改和/或例外由 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团自行决定,其决定为最终决定。 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团是这些优惠活动条款和本优惠活动中产生的任何其他问题的唯一仲裁者。
3.8 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团在法律允许的范围内,不对任何人因本优惠活动及其条款而遭受的任何索赔、成本、费用、损失或损害承担责任。
3.9 任何优惠活动条款未涵盖的争议或情况将由 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团的管理层以其认为对所有相关方最公平的方式解决,且该决定应为最终决定和/或对各方具有约束力。
3.10 此优惠活动将受 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团实体所在司法管辖区的法律管辖,该实体为”合格客户”根据我们的条款开立账户所在。
3.11 根据任何适用法律发现这些优惠条款中的任何条款是非法、无效或不可执行的,则该条款应被视为省略。3.12 如果这些条款被翻译成英语以外的其他语言,则在出现不一致的情况下,以条款的英语版本为准。
3.13 每位成功参与本次优惠活动的”合格客户”均需承担由于存入其账户的激活和交易奖品而产生的任何和所有应缴税款(如有),因此所有”合格客户”应咨询其税务顾问有关奖品。
3.14 “合格客户”在此优惠活动中获得的奖品现金价值可用于开立新头寸,作为现有头寸的保证金或提现。
3.15 优惠活动奖品现金价值将以美元计算,非美元账户将按照 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团提供的不可议汇率转换为客户账户的基础货币。
3.16 本优惠活动受开曼群岛法律管辖。 开曼群岛法院对因本优惠活动引起的任何事项或争议拥有专属管辖权。
风险警告:外汇或其他场外保证金产品的杠杆交易具有高风险,可能并不适合所有人。 我们建议您根据您的个人情况仔细考虑交易是否适合您。 您的损失可能多过您的投资。 FOREX.com 嘉盛集团网站上的信息为一般性信息。 我们建议您寻求独立的财务建议,并确保您在交易前充分了解所涉及的风险。 通过在线平台进行交易会带来额外的风险。
FOREX.com 2024 Olympics Trading Competition
The following terms and conditions shall apply to the FOREX.com 2024 Olympics Trading Competition (the “Promotion”) offered to existing account holders of GAIN Global Markets, Inc. (“FOREX.com”, “we”, “our”, or “us”) at FOREX.com’s sole discretion. FOREX.com is a trading name of GAIN Global Markets, Inc., a subsidiary of StoneX Group Inc., located at 30 Independence Blvd, Suite 300, Warren, NJ 07059, USA. GAIN Global Markets, Inc. is regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (license number: 25033).
You agree that by participating in the FOREX.com 2024 Olympics Trading Competition (the “Promotion”) you will be bound by these terms and conditions (the “Promotion Terms”) as well as the FOREX.com Customer Agreement (including any supplemental terms) that apply to your account (“Our Terms”). Capitalized terms and expressions used in these Promotion Terms shall have the same meaning as in Our Terms unless specified otherwise in the Promotion Terms. In case of disputes, the interpretations, and decisions of FOREX.com shall be final and binding on all participants.
Eligibility and Promotion Period
1.1. The Promotion is open and available to FOREX.com account holders who successfully open, fund a FOREX.com account, and opt into the Promotion on or before July 28 , 2024.
1.2. Employees of Forex.com (or any other company within the StoneX group of companies, as determined by FOREX.com in its absolute discretion) and their immediate family members shall not be eligible to participate in the Promotion. In addition, employees of any partners and agencies (including, without limitation, any external auditor(s) and advertising agencies) who are directly involved in the organization or conduct of the Promotion as determined by FOREX.com, shall not be eligible to participate in the Promotion. This Promotion is also not open to employees of any other company engaged in direct competition with FOREX.com.
1.3. The Promotion is limited to one account per person and no multiple entries will be permitted. The latest opt-in account will be used. Multiple accounts from the same household may be barred from the Promotion.
1.4. Joint accounts or accounts which have a Limited Power of Attorney in force will not be eligible for the Promotion.
1.5. The Promotion period is from July 29, 2024 to August 09, 2024.
1.6. Anyone who meets the criteria above shall be deemed a “Qualifying Client”. Qualifying Clients should read these Promotion Terms carefully and reacquaint themselves with Our Terms.
1.7. The Promotion is subject to a fair use policy and consequently FOREX.com has the right to withhold the Promotion if it has reasonable belief that there has been co-operation, collusion or organization of trades from the same source, or if it has reasonable belief that the Promotion is being abused in any way.
Requirements and Promotion Details:
2.1. A Qualifying Client must have minimum equity balance of $1,000 in the trading account that is enrolled in the Promotion at the market open on July 29, 2024.
2.2. A Qualifying Client must execute at least trade of any size trade during the Promotion period.
2.3. The winners will be determined based on the total return on equity in the enrolled trading account during the Promotion period (“Trading Performance”). Trading Performance will be calculated at 12:00 PM Beijing time daily using the following formula:
Trading Performance = (Equity Current - Equity Initial + Withdrawals - Deposits)/ (Equity Initial + Deposits)
Equity Current: The Qualifying Client’s equity at every calculation interval
Equity Initial: The Qualifying Client’s equity at the point of entering the Promotion
Deposits: Total funds deposited in the enrolled trading account during the Promotion period, including any interest, cash bonuses, rebates, or transfers from other FOREX.com accounts but excluding financing / rollover credits.
Withdrawals: Total funds withdrawn from the enrolled trading account, including internal transfers to other FOREX.com accounts and excluding any FOREX.com fees, or financing / rollover charges.
2.4. Ten Qualifying Clients with the highest Trading Performance will receive one of the following prizes:
Trading Performance Rank
PrizeCash value of the Prize (USD)
No. 117-day expedition to Antarctica for one traveler provided by Jing Yan Aviation MICE (Shanghai) Co., Ltd (the “Travel Agency”). The expedition will take place between January 26 and February
11, 2025.$25,000
No. 2-10$2,000 rebate$2,000
2.5. If there is a tie between two (2) or more Qualifying Clients, the USD value of the prize will be shared equally among them.
2.6. The result of the trading performance will be published on the FOREX.com website daily from July 30, 2024 to August 12, 2024.
2.7. Only one prize per winner. The winners will be notified on or before Aug.16, 2024 via email. In order to receive their prize, the winners must respond to the notification email within five (5) calendar days of receipt and provide the information requested in the notification email. Any winner who does not provide the requested information within five (5) days of receiving the notification email shall forfeit the price. The winner of the first prize may choose between the prize and the cash value of the prize.
2.8. First prize winner who elects to receive the Antarctica Expedition prize understands that FOREX.com is not involved in and will not be responsible for making travel arrangements, booking transportation or accommodation, or obtaining visas and other travel related documents. All such matters are the responsibility of the prize winner and the Travel Agency.
2.9. The first prize winner choosing the Antarctica Expedition instead of the cash prize agrees to indemnify and hold harmless FOREX.com for any loss, cost, expense, or injury suffered in connection with or in any way related to the Antarctica Expedition.
2.10. The travel expenses and accommodations included in the first prize package are at the sole discretion of the Travel Agency and may include airfare, ferry and other transportation costs, hotel and dining expenses, attraction entrance fees, travel accident insurance, and/or local staff costs. The expenses and accommodations not included in the first prize package may include personal medical expenses, baggage fees, telephone or other communication fees, personal transportation, etc.
2.11. First prize winner agrees and understands that he/she may require a visa or other travel documents in order to participate in the Antarctic Expedition. Obtaining such documents will be the exclusive responsibility of the prize winner. The prize winner will not be able to exchange the prize for its cash value if he/she fails to obtain the necessary travel documents.
2.12. Antarctica Expedition Dates are fixed by the Travel Agency and are non-negotiable. The first prize winner who chooses the Antarctica Expedition instead of the cash prize will not be able to claim the cash prize in the event he/she cannot travel on the designated travel dates as determined by the Travel Agency.
3.1. This Promotion must only be used for personal and non-commercial purposes.
3.2. If FOREX.com at any point discovers that a Qualifying Client is in fact not eligible to participate in the Promotion, FOREX.com may at its discretion reverse the Prize. No person shall be entitled to any payment or compensation from FOREX.com should any Prize be forfeited or reversed.
3.3. In the event that any deposit made by a Qualifying Client is cancelled or charged back, returned from the bank for insufficient funds, fraud, or any other reason, the Qualifying Client will become ineligible for a Prize and FOREX.com has the right to reclaim and remove any Prize under this Promotion. FOREX.com reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any individual that tampers or attempts to tamper with the entry process, the operation of the Promotion, or breaches the Promotion or Our Terms.
3.4. FOREX.com shall not be liable to any account holder or any other persons for any loss, taxes or damage arising in connection with the Promotion, including without limitation, any error, technical malfunction of the Internet or FOREX.com’s trading platform, or any breakdown or malfunctions in any computer system, mobile application, downloadable software, or equipment including that of FOREX.com or of a Qualifying Client.
3.5. The decision of FOREX.com on all matters relating to the Promotion shall be final and binding on all participants and any other persons, including, without limitation, any decision to cancel or suspend the Promotion.
3.6. FOREX.com reserves the right to cancel, revoke, or withdraw the Promotion at any time in case of any suspected abuse of the Promotion by a participant.
3.7. FOREX.com may at any time at its sole and absolute discretion, without notice or assigning any reason therefore, terminate this Promotion, or delete, vary, supplement, amend, restrict, withdraw, or modify any one or more of these Promotion Terms in such manner as FOREX.com shall see fit, including without limitation, the eligibility of any client, the bases and methods of identification of Qualifying Clients, and any dates in connection with the Promotion and the Promotion period. Modifications and/or exceptions to these Promotion Terms are at FOREX.com’s sole discretion, and its decision is final. FOREX.com is the sole arbiter of these Promotion Terms and any other issue arising under this Promotion.
3.8. FOREX.com shall not, to the extent permitted by law, be liable for any claims, costs, expenses, loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of this Promotion and its Terms.
3.9. Any dispute or situation not covered by these Promotion Terms will be resolved by FOREX.com’s management in a manner it deems to be the fairest to all concerned, and that decision shall be final and/or binding on all parties.
3.10. This Promotion will be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction of the FOREX.com entity with which the Qualifying Client’s Account was opened in accordance with Our Terms.
3.11. If any term of these Promotion Terms is found to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under any applicable law, such term shall be deemed omitted.
3.12. If these Terms are translated into a language other than English, then the English version of the Terms shall prevail where there is an inconsistency.
3.13. Each Qualifying Client who successfully takes part in this Promotion is responsible for any and all taxes payable (if any) as a result of the Prize, and therefore all Qualifying Clients should consult their tax advisers concerning the reporting of the Prize.
3.14. The cash value of the prize earned by Qualifying client during this promotion can be used to open new positions, as margin for existing positions or to withdrawal.
3.15. The cash value of the prize will be calculated in US dollars, non-US dollar accounts will be converted into the base currency of client’s account by the non-negotiable exchange rate provided by FOREX.com.
3.16. This Promotion is governed by the law of the Cayman Islands. The court in the Cayman Islands has exclusive jurisdiction over any issues or disputes arising from this Promotion.
Risk Warning: Leveraged trading in foreign currency contracts or other off-exchange products on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for everyone. We advise you to carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you in light of your personal circumstances. You may lose more than you invest. Information on the FOREX.com website is general in nature. We recommend that you seek independent financial advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. Trading through an online platform carries additional risks.
**** Hidden Message *****